We walked in -24 Centigrade weather to have breakfast at Double Coffee on Gedimino prospektas. I know it's not original but when we were there yesterday we saw the breakfast menu and we just decided to give it a go.
This Double Coffee we went to was not the only Double Coffee on that street - there was one closer but this one was (in our opinion) cozier.
The sun was still shining and the sky was still blue when we finished our breakfast. We decided to seize the opportunity to go up the Gedimino pilies bokštas (Gediminas Tower) once again. We were not disappointed. Just too bad that the sun was on the old town part of Vilnius so although we could get a pretty good view of the old town, we could not take any nice pictures.
It was about 11.00 when we finally went down with the funicular and leisurely made our way to see the Prezidentūra (Presidential Palace) near Universiteto gatvé and the university area.
Gedimino pilies bokštas (Gediminas Tower) from across the bridge:
Then we walked back to the old town stopping by a cake/chocolate shop. It was very small for a cafe. There were only 5-6 round tables, each with 2-3 chairs. Although the personnel did not speak much English, she was very friendly. For a cake here you pay per weight and not per slice. It was a good shelter for us to hide from the cold. Once I ordered and sat down, I took out my camera to take a picture of the cafe. If you think it looks blurry, trust me, there was nothing wrong with the camera or the way I was holding it. The difference between the temperature outside and inside were so big that my lens was condensed. Imagine a glass of warm tea with ice cubes in it and you'll know what I mean. So, yes, it was that cold.
The cafe through my condensed camera lens:
A little bit warmed up, we decided to continue our adventure. After all, we did not come to Vilnius to stay inside. So cold weather could not stop us. The next sight was Šv. Onos bažnyčia (St. Anne's Church) - a part of an ensemble, comprising the much larger Gothic Church of St. Francis and Bernadine, as well as a monastery. Legend has it that Napoleon was so taken by this church that he would have taken the church to Paris if he could.
St. Anne's and St. Francis and Bernadine's Church Ensemble:
Today was a not a day of originality. If in the morning we had breakfast at Double Coffee, in the afternoon we had lunch at Trys Klevai. This was the restaurant we had dinner at on our first night in Vilnius.
After lunch we walked to the tourist office at the Town Hall.
Rotušės aikštė (Town Hall Square) from Town Hall:
Our last sight for today was the Aušros Vartai (Gates of Dawn), built between 1503 and 1522 as a part of defensive fortifications. It was for the first time mentioned in a charter in 1514 as the Medininkai Gates. The Chapel in the Gate of Dawn contains an icon of The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Mercy.
Aušros Vartai (Gates of Dawn):